Scott Stratmann, DC
Dr. Stratmann is a chiropractor with expertise in hip and spine pain as well as spine deformity.
Sar Ahmed, M.D.
Glendale, AZ
Los Angeles, California
590 North Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, California
- Graduate Doctor of Chiropractic 1991
- Continuing education annually, focusing on documentation and diagnoses of traumatic musculo-skeletal injuries.
clinics, Phoenix, Yuma and Tucson.
- As a portal-of-entry physician Dr. Stratmann examines, diagnoses coordinates referrals of large numbers of traumatic injuries including disc, knee, shoulder, wrist, closed head trauma and traumatic spinal injuries, giving him an extensive base of experience for testifying regarding causal relationships of such injuries, coordination of care and treatment protocols. To date he has examined and diagnosed over 20,000 traumatically injured patients, coordinating care between medical practitioners of various specialties.
diagnostics, fraud detection, causal relationships,
treatment protocols and billing.
Lecturer on CLEs, CMEs and CCEs in multiple states on diagnostic and literature basi0 for determining causal relationships of injuries and determining need for care. Lectures approved for continuing education hours in medical and legal fields. Lectured to Medical Doctors, Chiropractic Physicians, NPs and PAS, and other medical professionals, as well as attorneys and paralegals. Subjects include
diagnostics and coordinated care protocols with literature-based outcome assessments. After having reviewed bills of medical procedures on hundreds of cases, he is routinely accepted as an expert witness in multiple states on usual and customary billing amounts for medical services.
Lecturer to fraud investigators and law enforcement on determination of clinical fraud vs. literature/diagnostic evidence of etiology. Includes billing fraud, physician documentation, pathogenesis and expected clinical presentation of traumatic conditions.
Retained by state agencies as expert witness on traumatic injuries and fraud, which included review of reports, records, testimony on causal relationships and biomechanics of trauma.
- 1991 Graduated as the third generation of chiropractors in his family.